February Features

Limited Time Only!

For this month only, you can take advantage of what Pretty Flames has to offer for the entire month of February. The highlight for February is Valentine’s Day; the day filled with red, pink and love! Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year to show your significant other how much you truly love and care about them, and a great way to do that is to customize the perfect candle to give to them on this special day. This is the first month that Pretty Flames is offering limited-time only customizable features to add to your candle. Once this month is over, that’s it! These features won’t be available again until next year. 

Flower Petals 

Pressed flower petals are a feature typically available all year round, however, for February, we brought in some unique flowers to make this time of year extra special. You now have the choice of red roses and other coloured roses such as yellow, white, pink and orange. Choose one colour, two or maybe a little bit of everything. Not only do pressed rose petals add dazzle to your candles, but they smell incredible and have longer life spans while in wax. You can get a boquet of roses and end up throwing them out two weeks later, but in a candle, they’ll stay preserved in the wax looking more pretty than ever before. The smell will also stay fresh!   

Essential Oil

Do you feel the warm and fuzzy nostalgia sensation when you think of cinnamon hearts? When you smell cinnamon hearts? This feeling is now possible. Pretty Flames has created a cinnamon related essential oil to infuse into your candle wax so you can smell these cinnamon hearts all day long. Remember though, the candles aren’t edible! 

Tip: Mix the rose oil with the cinnamon oil to create the perfect concoction. Burn this candle every day for several weeks and it’ll feel like Valentine’s Day never ended. 

Heart Confetti 

Our final limited option is heart confetti. These little, shiny heart decorations are sprinkled on top of the candle for a final, cute finish. Nothing says I love you more than a bunch of little hearts that shine as the reflection of the flame dances off them. 

We hope you enjoy the new, limited time options and have some fun with it. These customizations are for customers to experiment and create. Come into the store and see what new ideas you can come up with. Our wonderful team is always available to help create the ideas you have in mind. Candle ordering is for everybody to enjoy. Whether you’re creating something for someone close to you, or even just yourself. Our services range in complexity. We go from assisting you with weddings and ordering multitudes of candles all the way down to helping you find just one candle that you want to light when you’re at home relaxing on a Friday night. Order as much as you want, any time you want. Thanks for visiting! 

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